Our environment contains a cocktail of chemicals and heavy metals. Unfortunately they contaminate our food, air and water supplies. Then we often unknowingly add to that burden via personal care products, cleaning products and other sprays and hardware products we use around the home. Being aware is empowering as it enables you to reduce your exposure, enabling your liver to more easily dispose of the rest.
For information on specific toxic agents, click the icons below.
Organochlorides |
Source for above information: Obstacles to cure by Jon Gamble.
It is possible to reduce our exposure in a number of ways.
- Drink only filtered water (use a good quality water filter).
- Eat organic/spray free produce.
- Avoid habits such as smoking and avoid the cigarette smoke of others.
- Reduce exposure to petrol fumes by taking walks or runs on quiet streets or in parks.
- Start learning about harmful ingredients in your personal care products and make up (see links below).
- Use natural cleaning products and bug deterrents around the home.
- Avoid storing foods in plastic containers containing BPAs and seek to reduce all plastic use, including cling film. This is also better for the environment.
- Never heat food in a plastic container.
- Never store acidic foods such as lemons or vinegar in plastic containers as they degrade the plastic.
- Avoid drinking hot drinks in plastic lined take-away cups (and from the plastic lids).
- Use low or no VOC paints if you need to paint in your home.
Further reading
Personal care products and cosmetics: http://www.safecosmetics.org/get-the-facts/chem-of-concern/
National Toxics Network: https://ntn.org.au/
Environmental Working Group: https://www.ewg.org/
Toxicity of plastics: https://www.blastic.eu/knowledge-bank/impacts/toxicity-plastics/