Indian Pakora Recipe

Vegetable Pakoras (Regular or cultured)

Pakoras, also known as pakodas and bhajji, are a fried Indian snack. They are naturally vegetarian and gluten-free. They are also very versatile. You may choose to make a mixed vegetable patty-like version or a single vegetable at a time. The binder is chickpea flour (also known as gram or besan flour), which is mixed with salt and spices. Traditionally, they are fried in ghee. I choose to use coconut oil, but you can use either. I have a friend who uses light olive oil. Experiment and see what suits your palette. These are best served with coriander chutney, a delicious yoghurt based accompaniment. You may find the recipe here.

In terms of the recipe, you will find that eventually you won’t need one. Below are specific quantities of certain vegetables and the flour and water which will serve as a guide. Once you get a feel for how the mix should look and feel, you can change your vegetables and quantities.


Cultured Version

To make the besan flour easier to digest (breaking down the lectins) and to aid  your gut flora, make a cultured version of this recipe. This may be likened to making sourdough bread. Using the same recipe below, make the following modifications:

  • Mix flour, salt and spices in a bowl.
  • Add 1 1/2 cups milk kefir instead of the water.
  • Mix well and cover with a wet cloth. Allow to sit for 8-10 hours.
  • You may find your flour mix is now more like a dough. With this in mind, it is easier to get your hands in and mix the vegetables through. Add the ginger, garlic and vegetables and mix well. Once they are fully mixed, form into patties and fry as per recipe.
The mix should be sticky and hold together well
In the pan, the pakoras should hold together well and be cooked on both sides until brown and crispy

Vegetable Pakoras

By April 28, 2018

The directions below are for mixed vegetable pakoras. You can use just one or two vegetables though - such is often the case in Indian restaurants. We really like broccoli, onion and cauliflower the best. Eggplant, potato, spinach and capsicum are also delicious.


  1. Place vegetables, coriander, garlic and ginger into a mixing bowl and mix well.
  2. Add the flour, salt and spices. Mix until all vegetables are well coated.
  3. Slowly pour in water, mixing as you go. The mix is ready once it is wet enough to form into clumps. Don't add too much water or your batter will be too runny.
  4. Make your pakoras right away. Heat 1cm oil in a frying pan. Test the oil with a small amount of batter. It is ready when the batter sizzles.
  5. Add large spoonfuls of mixture to the oil. Cook over medium heat until browned on one side and then turn over with an egg flip.
  6. Leave to cook another few minutes until browned on the other side and then drain on kitchen paper.
  7. Serve with coriander chutney. They are good hot or cold.

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