Fresh Turmeric Paste

Make your own Turmeric Paste

Now is the time that the turmeric leaves are dying off and the root is ready to be harvested. But what do you do with it all in order to preserve it? You can blitz it up in a food processor and freeze it in ice cube trays OR, you can make your own fresh paste and store it in the fridge. Preserved by apple cider vinegar and salt, this will last for a few months.

Now Fresh Turmeric

Make your own Turmeric Paste

By July 19, 2018

When you have an excess of turmeric this is a great way to preserve it for summer when your next crop is still growing. Use it in curries, rice, casseroles and marinades.


  1. Wash the turmeric well. I don't peel it but you can if you prefer.
  2. Place turmeric into a blender with remaining ingredients.
  3. Blend at high speed until your mix is pureed.
  4. Decant into steralised jars and store in the fridge or freezer.

This paste will keep in the fridge for a few months owing to the preserving properties of the vinegar and salt. 


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