How to make a charcoal poultice

I have been using charcoal poultices for years now for bites and stings. It absorbs and neutralises poisons and can absorb 150 times its weight in poison to be exact. It can be used internally and externally. Living in Queensland means there are plenty of spiders, ants and flying insects that we may come in contact with. This particular recipe comes from a video presentation by Barbara O’Neill from Misty Mountain health retreat. I found it a much easier and cleaner way to apply the charcoal powder which can be very messy if mixed with water alone.

Activated charcoal can be purchased from health food shops and online.

Charcoal poultice

By January 28, 2022

Make a batch of this poultice and leave in the freezer so that it is ready when needed. The cold will sooth and the charcoal will draw.


1. Mix the powders together in a small bowl.
2. Add enough water to make into a jelly consistency. This is 5-6 tbsp. The psyllium will absorb excess water and it will form a play dough like consistency.
3. Roll between 2 sheets of plastic wrap until it is about 2mm thick.
4. Store in the freezer and use when someone has a sting or bite.
Application: Use scissors to cut a piece out at the right size. Remove one side of the plastic and place face down over the sting. Leave the other plastic on the outside and secure with a bandaid. Leave on for at least half an hour.


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