Gremolata (Parsley sauce)

Parsley is delicious but is also a very beneficial food to include in the diet for more reasons that I could mention in a short recipe description. I have included a table below with an overview of nutrients and benefits for those interested. Parsley is also wonderful to have in the garden rather than buying those bunches wrapped in plastic which often end up a composted mess at the bottom of the fridge. This particular recipe that uses a concentrated amount of this herb is a sauce I like to keep in the fridge. We use it in so many ways:

  • Over avocado on toast
  • Drizzled on veges or salads, chicken or fish
  • With Mediterranean bowls
  • On scrambled, fried or boiled eggs
  • As a dip

Variation: I sometimes make this recipe with just parsley as described below, but other times I make it with only coriander (another medicinal, beneficial herb) or a mix of both. They are equally delicious!


  • Protein, carbohydrate, fibre
  • Minerals -potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, boron, flourine and magnesium
  • Vitamins – riboflavin, biotin, Vit C, A, K (highest plant-based source), and folic acid (vitamin B9)
  • Flavanoid –  luteolin, Antioxidants – nutrition-A, β-carotene, diet-C, diet-E, zeaxanthin, lutein, and cryptoxanthin

Health benefits

  • Parsley aids in the prevention of cancer by boosting the immune system.
  • It is a diuretic – so beneficial for kidney stone prevention.
  • Reduces internal inflammation.
  • Aids the cleansing of the liver.
  • Aids in blood sugar regulation.
  • Increases bone density – via vitamin K, boron and fluorine.
  • Controls LDL cholesterol.
  • Prevents age-related macular degeneration (zeaxanthin via its antioxidant and ultraviolet light filtering capabilities).
  • Freshens breath.
  • Aids in blood pressure regulation.
  • Protective effect against mitochondrial oxidative damage in the brain.

Gremolata (Parsley sauce)

By September 28, 2022

Make this sauce as is, or use 95g coriander or a mix of coriander and parsley. I often mix continental and curly parsley as well. Use the sauce to give any of your savoury foods a lift.



  1. Place all ingredients into a food processor and blitz on high.
  2. Wiped down the sides with a spatula and blitz again until smooth.
  3. Taste and adjust lemon juice and or salt if needed.

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