Kinesiology is a natural therapy that seeks to remove obstacles preventing physical, emotional and spiritual healing so that a person is better able to live to their full potential.
A muscle monitor is used to locate stress in the body or energy fields. Context around an issue is found via the meridian system (Chinese medicine), the monitoring of different muscles in the body and the assessing of various neurological processes. The client is fully involved in this process of facilitated healing. As a person gains more context around a problem and can see how the various systems of the body are affected, blockages can be cleared and understanding is reached. The client is empowered to move forward.
Types of issues that may be addressed by kinesiology
- Emotional stress; anxiety, depression, social issues
- Fears and phobias
- Pain or disease in the body
- Digestive issues
- Learning difficulties
- Brain integration (trouble with left and right, trouble with reading, mathematics, creativity)
- Behavioural challenges (procrastination, self-sabotage and other patterns)
- Overwhelm and confusion
Cost for consult
A consult takes 1.5-2hrs and the cost is $110
Please phone or text 0405 277612 to arrange an appointment. Available weekends and weekdays during regular business hours.