- Quick to anger with mood imbalances.
- Hyperactivity and fidgeting in children.
- Difficulty falling asleep.
- Difficulty focusing with headaches at times.
- Sometimes there is abdominal pain.
- Motor tics.
- Food allergies that trigger headaches and IBS symptoms.
- Poor immunity.
Chronic conditions
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Headaches
- Restless limbs
- OCD tendencies
- Fungal infections
- Intestinal parasites
- Yeast infections
- Allergies
- Aggravation from oily, spicy or fatty foods (gallbladder sludge)
- Pale stools
- PMT with headaches, constipation, depression, fatigue, weight gain and bloating. Those with oestrogen dominance usually have excess copper.
- Low Zinc
- Genetic predisposition (SNPs such as MTHFR and pyrroles disorder).
- Some foods (although usually not the main reason).
- Xenoestrogens – cause retention of copper (just like oestrogen). E.g.s include plastics, pesticides, parabens, erythrosine, flame retardants, red dye, household sprays like fly spray.
- HRT and the Oral contraceptive pill.
- Swimming pools (fungicide)
- Drinking water fed through copper pipes
- Vitamin tablets containing copper.
- Inherited copper burden from the mother.