Electromagnetic frequencies are now all around us and we cannot completely escape them. You may or may not be aware that they cause harm to biological systems including humans, animals and plants. The degree to which they harm may range from mild, undetectable stress to acute reactions such as headaches, nausea and nose bleeds and long term problems such as cancer and other chronic disease. There is a great deal of information about this now, both online and in hard-copy publications. Nicole Bijilsma, an Australian building biologist gives a great overview here: https://www.buildingbiology.com.au/hazards/electromagnetic-fields.html. She also has a book of which the first chapter is free on her website.
When it comes to treating with the MSW bioresonance machines, I am able to test your blood spin. Long term exposure to EMFs eventually reverses the spin on your blood. This upsets the foundation of your health, making it harder for things to flow in your body the way they are designed to. Should we find your blood spin is reversed, a simple treatment is able to restore it back to health and with reduced exposure to EMFs, it will take longer for the problem to occur again.
Ways to reduce your exposure
- Turn your wi-fi off at night or even better, hard-wire your computers so that you don’t need it as often.
- Keep your mobile phone in aeroplane mode if you must carry it next to your body.
- Keep your mobile phone in aeroplane mode in the car if possible. The metal in the chasis of the car serves to amplify the frequencies.
- Listen to your phone via a headset or on speaker rather than holding it next to your ear. Low emf headsets are available from myself or may be ordered online.
- Don’t stand in front of a microwave when it is on.
- Don’t sleep with your head near a mobile phone, clock radio or charging power point.
- Keep you bed away from walls with electrical equipment, modems etc on the other side.
- Stay away from high voltage overhead power lines and mobile phone towers as much as possible.
Resources for further information:
Nick Pinealt on the potential dangers of EMF radiation: https://www.theenergyblueprint.com/emfs
His website: https://theemfguy.com/
Nicole Bijilsma is a building biologist: https://www.buildingbiology.com.au/. In this podcast she gives an informative description of why we need to limit our exposure to EMFs.