Ingredient: 3 shallots, finelly chopped

Whole food wombok salad

Wholefood Wombok Salad

Everybody loves Wombok Salad but it really isn’t very healthy with all that sugar, tons of oil and those fried noodles. Try this version instead. It still has that sweetness and yummy crunch but uses slightly different ingredients. Caramelised sunflower seeds replace the noodles and honey is used instead of […]

Sweet Potato Slaw with Asian peanut dresing

Spiced Sweet Potato Slaw with Asian Peanut Dressing

I LOVE this salad. It has crunch and sweet, spicy nourishment from the sweet potatoes. It can be eaten while the sweet potatoes are still warm from the oven or cold. This recipe is also versatile. Use any cabbage and add other vegetables like carrot, capsicum and cucumber. It actually […]